Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Paper Weaving

This project was presented by Ms. Jundt and me. We had the topic of 3 deminsional art. We chose to do paper weaving because we thought it looked really interesting, and it would be something that everyone would enjoy doing. We introduced some ideas such as weaving, twisting, shade, and tint. We informed the students that they needed to do at least one tint or one shade within their project and that they needed to use either all cool colors or all warm colors. They also had the option to use several different types of media in their projects as well. Many students chose to incorporate glitter to their projects.

Ms. Jundt's and my bulletin board turned out really well. We really liked the fact that our project recycles news papers and uses it in a creative way. We found this quote, "We all have our own life to pursue, our own kind of dream to be weaving and we all have power to make wishes come true, as long as we keep believing." We both thought that this quote was very suiting and were very excited as we were putting this bulletin board together.

As an extension activity, I would have the students find a news article that relates to them in one way or another. After finding this article, then I would have them paint their story onto the weaves in either patterns or using line techniques to represent how the story made them feel and use appropriate colors. Then, whenever the students look at their weaving, it will always remind them of their story. We could have them frame it for display as well.

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