Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Eric Carle Collage

For this project, we were introduced to the very talented Eric Carle. He is the author of many children's books. For his books, the illustrations are all done with collages. We watched a video in class explaining how these are done. Eric Carle was very inspired to follow his dreams at a young age, and he wants to help children to reach their dreams and to follow them. I loved to create my own inspired creation of an Eric Carle collage. My collage went off of an idea from a quote that I saw once and since I have always thought it was a really neat saying. The quote says, "Aim for the moon, and even if you miss you land among the stars." This project was fun to do!

As an extension project, I would have the students create a short story book that they could accomplish over a couple of weeks. They could write their own story about their life or their interests. This could be two to three pages long. Then, when the students and teachers discuss their work with the student's parents, they would have some great art work to show case!

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