Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Scratch Art

This picture is an example of my scratch art project. I really enjoyed doing this project. It is neat because you don't know what color you are going to get as your background. We had a good demonstration of the different techniques that we could use on our projects. We were given abstract objects, and we told to make a creation out of our object. I really loved that idea. There were so many things that I wanted to do with mine! I also really loved how our instructors went around the classroom and gave their own ideas to help you out if you needed it too. Finally, I found which one I wanted to go with, and that was the planters' peanuts man. I enjoyed doing the little dots as his body and making his hat. I think many students would enjoy this project a lot!

As an extension project for the scratch art, I would have the students design and make a scratch art project with their name. They could use many different techniques in thier letters.

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